July 28-30, 2025
The Junior Golf Tournament was originally scheduled for August 4-6 and was changed due to scheduling conflicts, most notably school schedules which begin earlier and earlier each year. Additionally, Drive, Chip and Putt takes place on August 6th so we are happy to announce that we will not be in conflict this year.
We apologize for any inconvenience but hope this will work better for juniors wanting to participate in the tournament!
Registration Begins May 1, 2025
Join our e-club to receive announcements, including registration reminder.
All skill levels (with some golf course experience)
Entry Fee: $75. Payment due within 24 hours of registration by calling the Pro Shop at (913) 890-1600 to pay over the phone. Online payment not available. (non-refundable after July 9, 2025 at 5pm. No exceptions).
(no late exceptions for registrations or refunds)
Entry Fee Includes: (3) rounds of golf, lunch provided for participant all three days, driving range balls all three days, award, tee gift
Participants must be 6 years old, and not 18, before August 4, 2025
- Par 3 Division (Ages 6-11) Limited to 160 participants
- 18-Hole Division (Ages 14-17) Limited to 120 participants
- 9-Hole Division (Ages 11-14) Limited to 120 participants
*14 year olds have the option of playing in the 9-Hole or 18-Hole division
*11 year olds have the option of playing in the Par 3 or 9-Hole division
*No exceptions to the age groups listed. Participants must play in their age division, regardless of skill level
2024 Rules:
- 18-Hole Division (ages 14-17): Tee times between 9:30am-Noon
- 9-Hole Division (ages 11-14): (South & North Courses) Tee times between 6:30am-9:30am
- Par 3 Division (ages 6-11): Tee times between 6:30am-2:00pm
Flights (based on age and gender): Juniors in the Par-3 and 18-Hole Divisions will be assigned to their flights on Monday night (after round 1) based on Monday scores. Juniors in the 9-Hole Division will be assigned to their flights on Tuesday night after all competitors have played both the south and north courses. Tuesday pairings will be based on Flights and Scores from day one. Round Two tee times will be sent after the completion of play for all groups on Monday.
No Caddies allowed for any of the divisions.
Important! NO SPECTATORS allowed on course during tournament play for the 9-Hole or 18-Hole Divisions. All spectators on the Par 3 Course must stay behind the white gallery lines. For all Divisions, do not give advice or information to player. This cannot be stressed enough, as it could cause a penalty to be given to your junior.
Absolutely no pairing requests – no exceptions. In fairness to all 400 participants, we do not ever take pairing requests. All pairings are made randomly by tournament software.
Event Logistics
- Check-In: Opens at 6am. Arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled tee time each day (more if you are going to hit warm up balls on the driving range). All participants must check in each day – you’ll receive a new lunch ticket each day.
- Packet Pick-up is Monday at check-in and includes: tournament program, lunch ticket, tee time card, and tee gift
- Tee Times: Check in with the starter at the first tee box at least 10 MINUTES before your scheduled tee time.
- Push Carts We have a very small number of push carts available to rent and cannot be reserved. They are rented first come, first serve. Juniors please bring your own push cart if you will not be carrying your clubs.
- Driving Range: Opens at 6am. As part of the entry fee, all juniors have the opportunity to warm up on the driving range at no additional cost. Balls are provided on the range and the range will be closed to the general public until noon each day of the tournament.
- 2024 Lunch Menu: All participants must eat their buffet lunch in the designated area on the lower level tournament patio. Due to the large number of participants and their guests/families, no seating is available inside Club 27 Restaurant unless you are going to dine and order from the restaurant menu (must see Host to be seated as a walk-in and only as space is available). No junior tournament participants inside. Extra lunch tickets may be purchased for family members at the buffet.
- 2024 Map of tournament course, registration, lunch, restrooms, etc.
- Photos will be available here at the end of tournament week, courtesy of Bill Araujo. Please note that participant photos taken at the tournament may be posted on the Overland Park Golf website or our Facebook page. Photos will not be used for any other purposes.
- Award Presentations will take place on Wednesday, once the scores for the entire flight have been entered and posted. The presentations will take place in the designated Junior Tournament area by the lower level patio. Please note: All junior participant photos will be posted on the tournament webpage.
- Inclement Weather: If any weather delays occur, participants will be notified by email and it will be posted on our webpage. Please note: we will only delay the tournament for lightning, not rain.
2025: Drive, Chip & Putt Subregional Qualifier takes place on August 6, so it does not conflict with our tournament.
Volunteer to help at the tournament!
Sykes/Lady Overland Park Golf Club
12501 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS 66213
Photos taken may be posted on the Overland Park Golf website or our Facebook page.